Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 7 Top 10 Tech Tools

I can't live without these tech tools -

1) iPhone - I use my phone to take photos, organize dates, see in the dark, get directions, etc.  Of course, I use it to speak to my family!
2)  MacBook - I love my laptop.  It's sleek and intuitive.  I think Apple products rock!
3)  Barcode scanners - I can't imagine writing down book titles or using card catalogs.  I can quickly scan books being returned and ones being checked out.
4)  Projector - I love quickly accessing a file or showing a video clip to begin my lessons.  The large screen allows everyone to really see what I'm talking about.
5)  Lightsmith - I like that students can show others their work easily with a camera connected to the projector.
6)  Email - I know some say it's outdated, but I still prefer to email than communicating through a public site.
7)  Glogster & Wix- it's so easy to create a website now.  Both of these make it easy to share with the community what students are learning.
8)  Dropbox - can access files anywhere.  Great for traveling.
9)  Flickr - I love this site for free images to use in presentations.
10)  Free fonts online - Example: