Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 5 Digital Citizenship

I strive to be a good citizen in all aspects of my life.  Why wouldn't that include digitally?  I aim to act appropriately.  If I have a problem with someone, I don't post my criticism online for the world to see.  I try to let it go or resolve it personally with that person.  Sometimes I've been known to write a question that might get the person to think deeper about what was said.  I do not post photos of my students on my Facebook account or include personal details on my school webpage.  I do not send emotional emails or type in all caps. By showing others respect, it hopefully will be returned.  Others will know I am a professional educator.     As an educator, I choose to model for my students how to act appropriately online.  This will help me gain respect as a curator of information!

1 comment:

  1. It is easy to post something on these social media sites and it be taken out of context and ruin your reputation. Social media sites are being used daily by employers to also screen potential employees. I believe digital citizenship is something that valuable for our society and should be taken seriously.
