Thursday, March 28, 2013

Web 2.0

Animoto  This is the link to my Animoto project.  I found this web 2.0 tool fairly easy to use.  I used Flickr for all the photos which allows copyright free photos and images to be used.

Glogster site
This is very easy to use and I've heard of many teachers using it for their website.  I think I'll consider changing my wiki at school with a glogster.

Free Choice
I tried Voice Thread.  I heard about it a few years ago at a conference.  It was fairly intuitive.  I had to figure out why my voice wasn't recording on my mac.  Duh!  Mute button was on.  Other than than that, I enjoyed playing around on it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 2

Week 2 - Hot topic debate

Software games in school have advantages and disadvantages in my opinion.  I think some should be allowed because of how motivating they can be and the instant feedback students receive.  There are great software games such as ones on   Quest Atlantis is one I've heard about and what like to try.
However, I think the concern is how long and in what context are they being used.  I think we need to be real concerned about how much screen time students are receiving daily.  Research states that kids that are not to receive more than one to two hours a day.  If a child watches cartoons before school for 30 minutes, plays a game on an ipad at school, plays a video game right after school, and then watches a movie before bed - yikes!  See how it could easily go more than 2 hours for a day.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 1

My name is Raquel and I am an elementary school librarian.  This is my dream job.  I also am a mother and wife.  I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling.  I have several weather icons on my desktop of places like Barcelona and Athens (places I would love to visit).